מה שלומכן ? מקווה שעובר על כולכן סופשבוע נחמד ומהנה :-)
היום אני מראה לכן את הלק האחרון שנשאר בסדרת הלקים החדשים שלי וכמו שהבטחתי לכם, שמרתי את הטוב ביותר לסוף !
הלק האחרון בסדרה הוא גם של גולד, מס' 840. הצבע שלו הוא מעין ורוד פוקסיה כהה – אדמדם, סוג של אדום-ורוד, מיוחד ועשיר, מלא בנצנצים, שלגביהם כבר כתבתי כאן בפוסטים הקודמים.
אני חייבת לציין שהיו לי ציפיות מאוד נמוכות מהלקים האלה, כי אף פעם לא השתמשתי בהם ולא שמעתי עליהם עד עכשיו, אבל אני בהחלט יכולה להגיד שהופתעתי מהם לטובה ואני מרוצה מההחלטה שלי לנסות אותם. למעשה, הייתי כ"כ מרוצה מהם, שהלכתי וקניתי עוד אחד מהסדרה הזאת, הפעם בצבע כסוף – כחול, שאותו אני אפרסם בהמשך.
ונחזור ללק האחרון – המרקם שלו קצת סמיך, אבל הוא נמרח די בקלות, ושתי שכבות ממנו מספיקות כדי להגיע למראה אטום ויפה. הצבע שלו פשוט מהמם לדעתי והוא מהצבעים האלה שגורמים לי להסתכל על הציפורניים שלי כל כמה דקות, מכירות ? חחחחחחח
מרוב שהתלהבתי ממנו, עשיתי לכן יותר תמונות מהרגיל, מקווה שתהנו ממנו כמוני
ולפני שאני נפרדת מכן – אני רוצה להקדיש דקה לזכר לק יקר ונפלא שהספיק להיות אצלי רק 3-4 חודשים ואתמול התרסק ונשפך לי על כל הרצפה – OPI Yes I Can Can – אחד הלקים היפים (למי שלא מכירה, פרסמתי אותו כאן באחד הפוסטים הקודמים), שגרם לי אתמול כאב לב גדול כשראיתי אותו מרוח על הרצפה והבקבוק שלו מרוסק, בלי שהיתה לי שום דרך להציל אותו. אוףףףףףףףףףף
ואחרי שאמרתי את זה, הנה התמונות של הלק האחרון בסדרת החדשים שלי:

GOLD - No. 840
אז מה אתן אומרות ? גם לדעתכן הלק הזה הוא הכי מוצלח מבין כל החדשים ? יש לק אחר שאהבתן ?
Hi you all!
How are you? Hope you are all having a nice weekend :-)
Today I'm showing you the last polish that has been remained in my new polishes series, and as I promised, I saved the best for last!
The last polish in this series is also by GOLD, No. 840. It's kind of a reddish fuchsia, if I can define it this way…, very special and rich color, full with glitters (about the glitters, I already wrote in my last posts).
I have to say, that I had really low expectations from this polishes, since I've never used them and haven't heard about this brand until now, but I'm very satisfied from my decision to try them on. Infect, I was so satisfied, that I went yesterday to the store and bought another one from this series, this time, kind of silver – blue. I'll do its swatch soon.
And back to the last polish – its texture is a bit thick, but it applies pretty easily, and you need 2 coats to get a nice opaque look. Its color is absolutely gorgeous and this is one of the colors that make me look on my nails every couple of minutes, you know that kind of polishes? lol …..
I was so exited about this one, that I took more pictures than the usual. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
But before I'll go, I want to dedicate one minute in memorial of a great polish, that has been with me only 3-4 months, and yesterday was crashed and spilled all over my floor – OPI Yes I Can Can. This was one of the best (and for those who don't know it, I posted its pictures in one of my older posts), and it caused me a huge pain to see this one spread on all over the floor with its crushed bottle :-( :-( :-(
And after that being said, what do you say? Did you love that color as much as I did? Do you also think that this one is the best among the new polishes series? Do you have another one that you loved more?
Love it! You surely saved the best for last, it's amazing!
Om my; that's a beautiful polish you're wearing today, miss Tuli!
Would you know whether these are available outside of Israel?
I'm sorry for your loss... :(
I've actually not tried this one, but I've seen pretty swatches of it, though.
Alexlyndra - Yay! Glad to hear that you think so too :-) And thank you !
Vanessa - Thank you miss Venessa ! LOL...I'm not sure, but I don't think that these polishes are available outside of Israel, but if you'd like, I can send it to you :-) If you want to, let me know in my email, and we will work it up.
That is a very pretty polish! I think I like this one and the lavender/purple one you shares earlier this week the best. From what you've shown us, that brand makes some great colors. I'm sorry you lost your OPI. They sure make a mess when they break :/
OMG, i love this pink!!! Very pretty!!
Mary - Those two were my favorite also :-) And as I wrote, I didn't hear about this brand untill I went to that shop (this shop sells products and polishes to nail tech), but they turned out very nice :-)
Charming nails - Thank you so much ! Glad you love it :-)
I love this! I've really liked all of the polishes in this series. So sorry to hear about your polish loss!
Wow! this color is amazing! remind me the OPI's DS collection. the glitters are gorgeous !
I think that this polish and the purple one are my favorites so far.
Kittyluvscolor - Thank you ! That was really sad to me to lose such a great polish.
Nitzan - I also think that these two are the winner :-) thanks !!
Oh, wow - that is GORGEOUS!!!
This is hard for me! I really liked the light purple polish you showed us. Yet...I love this kind of "raspberry shade" of color too! It looks awesome with your nails and skin tone! Just beautiful!! I am so sorry about Opi's Yes I Can Can breaking!!!! How terrible!! Talk to you later.
The color looks great on you! I can't wear colors like that it doesn't suit my skin tone :(
Nixxy - RIP indeed...:-(....thanks !
Velvet - I agree with you that both of them were awasome ! I like this one just a bit more :-)
Nail Fanatic - Thank you ! And I think it can look good on you also :-)
Oh Tuli, I'm so sorry for your polish loss. I've never broken a bottle and I hope never too. Awful mess to clean up. I've certainly spilled plenty, always a red or something dark. Yeasterday I flipped my ridge filler that ran down my coffee table front. Gotta buy more. I love this raspberry colored glitter polish. Looks so pretty on you. Really looks nice with your skin tone. Love the glitters!
Thats just GORGEOUS tuli!!! I love love love this one!
Lucy - You made me smile with your words :-) Thank you !
Brooke - Thank you so much !! glad to hear that you loved it, and also when I saw your comment I was sorry I didn't send you this one...well, maybe in the next time...lol
Hi Tuli!
Thank you so much!! What a nice person you are offering your help :) Very much appreciated!! If I decide I cannot live without this, I'll be sure to email you ;)
Vanessa - You are very welcome ! And I'm sure you will survive...lol...but if you'll want that one, just let me know :-)
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